I was at work recently, at a team meeting. There were twenty-five to thirty people there – all of them needed to be there, all of them, except me. I’m a temp worker. I’m enjoying myself. Working with these people is great, they’re all so nice and friendly, but I don’t think this is the position for me. I’ve done stuff like this – 5 years ago – to do it again would be a step back. I moved to California to take steps forward. For the right position, something that would get me my dream job, I would definitely take a step back. Maybe even two. But, not for this job. I was surprised that I was even sent the Outlook invite and listed as required. It’s nice to be included, but in this case I wasn’t sure why.
I showed up for the part. I had a notepad. I had a pen. I had no intention / expectation that I would be using either, but I at least came dressed for the part. It is, after all, Los Angeles.
I took a seat towards the end of the long conference table, next to a new hire, (and new friend). The seat to my right was open, the seat next to that was filled by a supervisor and very nice woman who’s vegan. We started chatting about all things vegan, vegetarian, healthy living, yoga, “Food, Inc,” and other things. Very pleasant conversation. She’s one of the nicest people I work with, and they are ALL super nice.
After a good twenty minutes of chit-chat and settling-in, a beautiful blond takes the seat to my right, and the meeting gets started.
Off to a good start, but as I thought, it has very little to do with me, but it’s fun to be there.
Then, my attention is caught. I’m sitting with my back facing the windows over looking the lot, but I’m looking towards the hallway. My view is through large glass windows, probably ten feet in height, but there is a middle section that is an opaque white color. Above and below the opaque section is a three to four foot section that is see-through glass. The glass runs the entire length of the conference room, which is probably fifty feet long. And it is amazing. Who ever designed this knew exactly what they were doing.
This all hits me as a pair of beautiful female legs saunters the entire length of the conference on display courtesy of a knee-high floral-pattern skirt. These legs are perfect- firm, tanned, long. Judging by the light, airy walk, whoever is walking by seems to be in a good mood, and it’s rubbing off on me. I’m now in a great mood.
And it so happened, it was a beautiful summer-like day in Los Angeles, which meant that dresses and skirts were out like the birds and the bees. For the next hour, I was inundated with a stream of beautiful sets of legs walking by, and it was like art, meets fashion, meets voyeurism. The legs on California females, for the most part, are amazing. Toned, tanned, and long. Accentuated with high heals and a nice flowing skirt, it’s like being in heaven. Faceless, nameless, beautiful legs, and me appreciating every pair, every gate, and every nuance as they walked by on display. I couldn’t have been happier. What a way to start off my day.
(The meeting was great. We are making some real progress hiring people.)
But the second floor of that building is awesome. I need to get myself a job up there, or at the very least, at more conferences in that conference room.
As ZZ Top said, “She’s got legs, and she knows how to use them.”
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