Updates from the West Side (These are in someway, shape, or form, reminders to write about in longer form):
I'm growing my hair out. It's in the awkward stage.
I joined an online dating site as a way to get myself out of the house. By no means am I ready for the dating scene in LA. I've met some cool girls. Smoking hot bodies, and cars that are way nicer than the Jetta. No connections. I think I'm over online dating.
I may be over dating in general.
I went to the Kings of Leon concert at the Hollywood Bowl. It was slamming. They sounded great. Venue was dope. Partying was lacking.
I went to get my haircut. The hair stylist sent me home sans haircut when she heard I was growing my hair out. She told me to come back in 6-8 weeks and suffer through it.
Doing it.
I went to the shooting range and shot a gun. I don't need to do it again.
I'm starting a band. I'm going to be the singer. Wowzers. And, I don't care if you like it. I think for the first time ever I have the songs and the confidence to do it.
I produced a singer / songwriter / cellist's demo. He is on the verge of getting signed after an advertisement of his showed up in Rolling Stone. I am no longer recording his demo. He's the man though and I'm proud of the work we did.
I had my first 'all access' privilege recently. Went to see a band I had no idea about with aforementioned cellist, and he knew someone in the band, and we got hooked up. Backstage and all (no cute girls). But the band was mad cool and so humble and down to earth. You realize this can happen to anyone.
I've signed up for an acting class.
I'm in love.
No, I'm not.
But, I do love you.
My dad had a heart attack. I think he was faking just trying to get me to come home. He's going to be fine, but he gave us a big scare.
I'm one blackout away from AA.
I need to go out and meet more cute girls.
My brother came out of the closet. He couldn't find his shoes.
I spent the 4th of July in Malibu and then at a ridiculous clambake on the west side. The clambake was run by a real life chef and the food was off the hook. We never made the party with the models.
Halearious told me I'm not allowed to date models anymore. She also told me I need to date a blonde. I'm not sure I agree with either of the two statements, but I'm down to try it out.
I read "The Four Agreements." It was a good book. I am on my way to freedom. It's all I want to be when I grow up: Free. Lesson two: Love is all around and I'm not afraid to tell you that I love you.
I have found my muse. It's been enlightening.
I gave up playing music for three days. Then I had an experience that showed me how to never give it up. I went and played my first open mic the following day. I played the first song. Silence. And then a younger kid said, "Wow." Then applause. It was all I needed.
Groundswell is getting there.
I wrote a love song. The first one I've ever written in 14 years of playing guitar. That may or may not be true.
Actually, you could say that about most of the things I said in this post.
This post goes out to the girl in the Prudential center reading this at work.
I play baseball for the Minnesota Twins. My name is Joe.
When a girl says we should be friends, it's should be interpreted as "See ya."
I told my brother I was going to be friends with a girl and he said, "What's the point?"
Speaking of my brother. If you have a conversation with him on the phone that lasts over 2 minutes, consider yourself lucky.
If you are saying goodbye to my brother after a phone call, and the phone isn't already in his pocket when you hit the "g" in good, then both his hands must be busy doing something else.
It's good to have good friends to get you through the good times. It's great to have good friends to get you through the hard times.
If you get dropped in Latin America there are five sayings you need to know to survive.
1) Hablas ingles?
2) Tienes agua?
3) Necessito comer
4) Me gusta tequila
5) Senorita, es una lastima que no este desnuda
When you master these five sayings you will be free.
Groundswell is free.
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