When I walked into the office I thought it would be just another meeting. The typical rat-reace meeting. I’d be advised to get head-shots. I’d be advised to take acting classes. I’d be sent chasing my tail. I was wrong. Sort of.
I was given the typical paperwork to fill out, but in addition I was given a series of papers that were stapled together. The papers contained six advertisements that I was going to have to read. I could choose whichever I liked.
The adrenaline was pumping. I was not aware I was to do this. I was excited. I was nervous. I liked this twist.
I went with a the first advertisement. It seemed straightforward. I decided that in the few minutes I had I would make a go and try to memorize it.
God gave me a good memory; it was time I put it to use.
I read it over and over. In about five minutes, I had it memorized. The adrenaline was pumping more as I got called in.
“I sweat…Oh, I used to go out to be social and perspire. But then I started to go with a fast crowd. And soon we’d go out and I’d just plain sweat. I knew I had a problem. Oh, baby, did I know. That’s when I turned to Dial Antiperspirant. It helps with odor and wetness. When I just perspired, I’d use anything. I sweat. So I use Dial Antiperspirant.”
This was the advertisement I chose to read for Felix at the talent agency. Felix is my buddy’s print and commercial agent here in Hollywood, and he was having an open casting call. Jordan, being a good friend, hooked me up with Felix, and I was totally down. I’ve wanted to act since I played Mr. Zuckerman in our fourth grade rendition of “Charlotte’s Web,” and by all accounts, I killed it. I, however, have never had the cajones to pursue acting – never in high school, not in college, and not in New York. The desire remained. Finally, in LaLa land I’ve decided to give it a go. It may be casual at first, but I can imagine that once I get some traction I will get very serious about it. I’ve always felt I could act. Actually, I know I can act. And, now, I have nothing to lose.
Felix was a nice man. Stalky, and about 5’8” he was a confident and friendly man. I liked him immediately.
He took me to the outdoors office, which was away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the office. There was no coach outdoors. This was promising.
We talked briefly about my story. We talked briefly about South Africa.
He asked me if I had ever acted before. I said no. I thought about Mr. Zuckerman. I said no. I thought about Shakespeare’s contention that we were all actors upon a stage. I said no.
He told me to give it a read through when I was ready.
I launched in with out looking at the paper..
“I sweat…Oh, I used to go out to be social and perspire. But then I started to go with a fast crowd, and soon we’d go out and I’d just plain sweat. I knew I had a problem. Oh, baby, did I know. That’s when I turned to Dial Antiperspirant. It helps with odor and wetness. When I just perspied, I’d use anything. I sweat. So I use Dial Antiperspirant.”
I almost nailed it. I had messed up the second line a bit, but I salvage it.
Felix was please. He was surprised I had never acted before, and said I had a good reading.
He did recommend that I take a brief commercial class that would teach me the ins-and-outs of commercial auditions and then he wanted me to come back and read again for him.
I was pleased with this. He gave me two recommendations of people to see, and then he told me he was going to pour over the pictures of me that Jordan had sent and think about how I could fit in with the agency and how he would market me.
This was promising. I was excited.
I got into my car and the adrenaline was still coursing through my veins. I diagnosed myself with acting fever. I got home and looked it up on WebMD.
Acting fever is defined as follows: “A mental illness that affects mainly the young and naïve. Common symptoms include vanity, self-importance, a complete lack of self-confidence, and the need for attention and positive feedback from others.”
Oh, yeah! I got acting fever!!
I then drove home on the Sunset and made my next plan. It mainly involved lunch, but it included some thought about the acting class and going on auditions.
When I turned left on the PCH to get back to Venice, I saw the ocean. It was a gray, murky day and the ocean was throwing some nice waves onto the shore. There were several surfers out. It reminded me of a winter’s day in South Africa.
I had the urge to go surfing again.
My plan now includes getting my board from Jordan in the valley, and getting a wetsuit. I should get back in the ocean. It seems only right.
Life in California is shaping up nice. There is still a lot of uncertainty and a lot of opportunities, but I’m excited by the first seven weeks. I’ve hit the ground running, and I don’t plan on breaking stride any time soon.
I guess no one plans on breaking stride, but I’m ready for any hurdles that may come my way.
(This was from a while ago. I just didn't post until now.)