Twenty Signs You Are Getting Old:
1) You have to take a break during “Power Yoga” to catch your breath. A long break.
2) You’re sore two days later after “Power Yoga.” Actually, you're more sore the second day than you are the first day.
3) You take your license with you on long bike rides; if you die, at least you know they’ll be able to identify you.
4) You voluntarily get health insurance for fear of cancer, heart attack , or some other disease not known to plague “young people.” (Assuming you have no family history.)
5) You no longer intake drugs or alcohol because they make you “anxious” and / or “fat.”
6) When you bend down to pick something up it takes you longer than it should (i.e., you have the time to notice how long it takes you to pick it up).
7) You can’t bend at the knees to pick something up.
8) When you’re the last one of your age group still playing beer pong. (Classic case of being too old, but still young at heart.)
9) You don’t have to struggle to find grey hairs.
10) You notice the beginning of the deterioration of your senses (i.e., hearing and eyesight).
11) You are certain all new music sucks.
12) You’ve drawn a line in the sand regarding some form of technology that you will not partake in (e.g., “I will not text.”)
13) The phrase “settle down” is first uttered out of your mouth regarding your lifestyle.
14) You are no longer superficial.
15) You actually have a “retirement plan.” A solid plan. Not just a hypothetical “I’m going to make a shit-ton of money, and kick back and relax. Fuck it.”
16) You're diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).
17) The first time you hear one of your favorite rock songs from your childhood on "Classic" Radio. I'm not talking the Beatles. I'm talking Nirvana.
18) You watch "American Idol" to find new "artists."
19) You truly believe "The best seat is on the coach."
20) You write a blog.
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