1) Will Smith is gay (like Tom Cruise).
2) “10 Things I Hate About You” is a remake of “Taming the Shrew.”
3) To keep the crease in a nice pressed pair of pants, put your left thumb in the first belt loop hole to the left of the zipper, and then with your right hand grab the first loop hole to the right of the zipper and bring them together. Voila. You now have it perfect.
4) Ninety-nine percent chance of an 8.0 earthquake in the next thirty years.
5) Earthquake insurance is $20 / month. Renters insurance is $12 / month for $15,000 in coverage. Obviously, a much larger chance of an earthquake than shit getting stolen or lost in a fire.
6) Medicinal Marijuana comes with a warning “This medicine may make you drowsy.” (I only observed this on a canister. I did not indulge.)
7) The music scene out here is pretty tight.
8) When your car insurance expires in Massachusetts, it is only a matter of time before they recall your plates.
9) Africanized bees are really here.
10) Generally speaking, being thirty is pretty sweet.
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