Alright my faithful readers. I know I've been absent for a bit. But, things have gotten busy in LA. I'm working two jobs, recording music, hanging out, and swimming. Writing has been hard to try and focus on.
I, however, just made my record player dream come true, and bought a vintage Marantz 2230 Stereo Receiver, a vintage Sanyo turn table, and some kick-ass old beat up speakers. Everything was dirt cheap but sounds amazing. I love vinyl (just not to wear).
In light of this, I've decided to put my Christmas list together early. All I want for Christmas is...records. Records, records, records, and a beautiful long-legged woman to call my own. Come on Santy Claus make it happen!
Well, I'll leave the beautiful, long-legged woman up to Santy and the Los Angeles Gods of Good Luck and Charm. You and I will have to take care of the records. So, if ever wondering what to get me just remember this list, which I will update as time goes on, and buy away. They can be new or old, I don't care. I just want these records:
(Artist, Album)
Kings of Leon, Because of the Times
Kings of Leon, Only by Night
Kings of Leon, Youth and Young Manhood
Kings of Leon, Aha Shake Heartbreak
The Beatles, Revolver
The Beatles, Rubber Soul
The Beatles, Magical Mystery Tour
The Beatles, Sergeant Pepper
The Beatles, The Beatles (The White Album)
The Beatles, Let It Be
The Beatles, Help!
The Beatles, All their other albums
Prince, Purple Rain
Prince, 1999
Prince, (Any other album you find)
The White Stripes, (Anything you can find on vinyl)
Leonard Cohen, (Anything you can find on vinyl)
Paul Simon, (Anything you can find on vinyl)
James Taylor, (Anything you can find on vinyl)
Radiohead, (Anything you can find on vinyl)
Bob Dylan, (Anything you can find on vinyl)
Nirvana, Nevermind
Any Blues album
Any Jazz album
Any kick-ass / classic album I'm forgetting
Any mind-blowing album I'm forgetting
Hell, at this point, anything you think I'll like on vinyl. If I have duplicates, it wouldn't be a big deal.
To avoid duplicates, another list for you.
Records I have:
(Artist, Album)
The National, Alligator
The National, Boxer
The National, High Violet
Radiohead, In Rainbows
Bob Dylan, Blonde on Blonde
The Black Keys, Attack and Release
Michael Jackson, Thriller
Modest Mouse, Antarctica and the Moon
Bob Marley, Legend
The Beatles, Abbey Road
Pixies, Doolittle
Pixies, Surfer Rosa
Simon & Garfunkel, Greatest Hits
Jimi Hendrix, Smash Hits
Neil Young, After the Gold Rush
Neil Young, Harvest Moon
Neil Young, Everybody Knows This is Nowhere
Neil Young, Live at the Rust
Michael Jackson, Thriller
Paul Simon, Graceland
Arcade Fire, Funeral
Arcade Fire, Neon Bible
Arcade Fire, Neon Bible
Bon Iver, For Emma, Forever Ago
James Taylor, James Taylor's Greatest Hits
Radiohead, Ok Computer
Cookie Monster, C is for Cookie
That's it for now...
But, I will keep updating as I go along.
So feel free to buy and send me records for any reason you want...because you miss me, because you love me, because you enjoy reading the blog, because you want to buy a record for yourself too, because you haven't paid for music in a long time (Halearious), because it's my birthday, because it's my half birthday (August 28), because it's Christmas, because it's Chanukkah (I expect 8 records), because it's Kwanza, because it's Festivus, because you are in a good mood, because you are in a bad mood, or my favorite, just because....
Any questions please email me at: youheartgroundswell@gmail.com
Peace and Love,
Cookie Monster, C is for Cookie
That's it for now...
But, I will keep updating as I go along.
So feel free to buy and send me records for any reason you want...because you miss me, because you love me, because you enjoy reading the blog, because you want to buy a record for yourself too, because you haven't paid for music in a long time (Halearious), because it's my birthday, because it's my half birthday (August 28), because it's Christmas, because it's Chanukkah (I expect 8 records), because it's Kwanza, because it's Festivus, because you are in a good mood, because you are in a bad mood, or my favorite, just because....
Any questions please email me at: youheartgroundswell@gmail.com
Peace and Love,
Hey! I resent that. I pay for music in the form of concerts.
ReplyDeleteThe National, Alligator is on my radar para mi amigo.