Charles The Cat and The Meaning of Life
By: Dr. Seamus Campbell (aka Groundswell)
January 23, 2011
Charles was a cat. But he was no ordinary cat at that.
In fact, Charles was special - a very,very special cat.
Now, he would not brag and tell you that
But trust me, Charles was like you and so he just knew - that he was as special as the sky was blue.
So he believed that red was red and blue was blue, and all this had to be true.
His mom had said that he was special, and so she never needed to say more than that.
Charles had friends from all around.
Some were big and some were round.
Some were tall and could bounce like a ball.
Some were smart and some were not smart at all.
But Charles’s love was equally abound.
For Charles’s heart was not at all small.
You could hear Charles laugh from a mile a way.
It didn’t matter if it was night or day.
His laugh was contagious just like a cold.
But the more he laughed the more you rolled.
So you were always happy to catch Charles’s contagious “cold.”
For when you were with Charles, you could never be old.
His family was large and equally loud.
They loved running and staring up at the clouds.
Lazy days lounging in the sun were Charles’s favorite of them all.
Never was Charles a fan of when the clouds decided to let the rain fall.
His mama always told him, however, "that Charles, you can’t win them all.”
So, Charles just accepted Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall.
Charles would fight for his family and friends. Charles would fight for them with all his might.
But Charles never would fight purely out of spite.
For fighting is the way of the wicked, indeed.
To Charles, fighting seemed silly and no way to succeed.
Instead, Charles could be heard spreading the word:
“You know it’s love that will do. It is love in life that will help you serve.”
Charles lived his entire life never killing - not birds, not woodchucks, not even mice.
Charles was content just being plain nice.
And for this, his friends from the forest would bring him water, nuts and bunches of berries.
And together they would eat, drink and be merry.
You see, it’s better to be loved than it is to be feared.
Because a life full of laughs is a life full of cheer.
And what is better than a life full of cheer?
Nothing at all, and certainly not one full of fear.
You see, Charles believed the point of life was to be happy.
So, then, what’s the point of ever being crabby?
Now that’s not to say Charles didn’t like crabs.
It is just to say that Charles didn’t like when they made each other mad.
So Charles was at peace asleep in the sun.
And Charles was at peace when on the run.
And Charles was at peace when alone on the roof.
And Charles was at peace when he had no proof.
Charles was at peace when staring at the clouds.
Charles was at peace when it was quiet with no sound.
Charles was at peace with all his love.
Charles was at peace with the stars above.
Charles was at peace with all the animals in the forest.
And Charles was at peace with both verse and chorus.
Charles was at peace with Mother Nature.
Charles was at peace with with his own cat-like stature.
Charles was at peace with everything else.
So this made it easy for Charles to be at peace with himself.
If you want to be happy, be like Charles.
And love yourself and everyone else.